Guava Leaves Tea / Herbal Infusion ( Psidium Guajava ) – 20 Dip Bags


Guava Leaf Tea is a dietary supplement rich in antioxidant. It helps to control blood sugar level, decreases the cholesterol and regulates weight naturally.

Let’s get some good old fashioned Guava Leaves Tea. You’ll be singing in no time with this decoction of guava leaves. It clears coughs, relieves congestion, and boosts the immune system with its high levels of vitamin C and iron.

Founditgood’s Guava Leaves Tea is made with pure guava leaves and nothing else. Tastes good and lose weight! Our guava leaves are hand-picked and sun-dried to maintain their quality. Our potent Guava tea is made from the highest quality guava leaves, and packaged in 20 individual servings.

Add a bag of guava tea leaves to a cup of hot water, let it steep for 5-10 minutes, and enjoy a delicious beverage that will keep you going all day. Guava leaves are full of antioxidants and other nutrients that are beneficial to your health.

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Guava leaves have been used in traditional medicine to help the body fight a variety of ailments. Founditgood’s Guava leaves Tea is a delicious and refreshing way to maintain your health. Our guava leaf tea is a  herbal drink with a rich taste and flavor and offers amazing health benefits.

Finding the right weight loss tea that works for you and your body can be tough. That’s why we created Founditgood’s Guava leaves tea. These delicious and flavorful tea bags are potent, yet gentle enough to be consumed daily. Not only are they loaded in antioxidants that can promote a healthy heart, but they also help prevent complex carbs from turning into sugars – promoting weight loss. Guava leaves have been used for centuries in traditional medicine to help lower the risk of cancer due to high quantities of the antioxidant lycopene.

Guava Leaf Tea (Psidium guajava) is a popular herbal tea throughout Asia. It’s used for treating diabetes and obesity. Guava leaf tea helps to improve blood sugar by normalizing the secretion of insulin and decreasing glucose absorption from the intestines, which may help reduce the risk of developing diabetes.

Guava Leaf Tea is a dietary supplement rich in antioxidants which can help you deal with diabetes and high blood pressure. It helps to decreases the cholesterol and regulates weight naturally and also cleanses your liver and helps prevent cancer. Furthermore, it has been proven that its ingestion results in no side effects even if it is taken as a medication alongside conventional medicine.

Guava leaf tea can provide relief from the pain, swelling, and inflammation of your teeth and gums. It has anti-inflammatory properties, which is perfect for your morning cup o’ joe. Drink it in the evening to help you sleep better and wake up with a clear mind.

It’s time to kick stress out of your life and make your heart smile. Guava leaves are a natural way to do both. Breathe easy and drink in the benefits that guava leaves offer your brain and heart.

Your skin deserves the best! Our Guava Leaf Tea has antioxidants that destroy free radicals, which usually damage the skin. The strong antioxidant effect of guava leaves protects the skin from damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals can be harmful to the skin, as it damages the collagen and elasticity of your skin. That’s why you should drink cupful of guava leaf tea for your healthy life!

Guava Leaves Tea is a delicious tea that contains guava leaves and other natural ingredients. Guava leaves contain Vitamin B4 (niacin) and Vitamin B6(pyridoxine) which help in improving blood circulation to brain stimulating cognitive function and relaxing nerves. It is also reach in magnesium that helps the nerves.

Relax and heal your gut with guava leaves tea, the natural way. It’s a healthier, safer option to treat gastrointestinal issues.

Guava Leaf Tea is the perfect way to enjoy the benefits of this traditional herbal tea. It’s loaded with polyphenols that offer benefits for people with diabetes. Add a leaf or two to a delicious cup of hot water, and be prepared for the amazing taste and benefits! Drink up, stay healthy!  

